On 14th May 2017 an organizing meeting held at the Officers' Club Dhaka
to form a new Rotary Club named " Rotary Club of Dhaka Elite". District
Governor of Rotary District 3281 Rtn. Muhammad Ayub, PHF, Past District
Governor Rtn M. Jamaluddin, PHF,B, MD and President & Secretary of
Rotary Club of Narayangonj Midtown and all charter members were present
at the first meeting.
Rotary Club of Narayangong
Midtown was the Sponsoring Rotary Club for Dhaka Elite. Md. Ibraheem
Hossain Khan , Secretary, Ministry of Cultural Affairs was also present
as the chief guest and delivered his valuable speech.
Hamid Al Mahbub was nominated as the Charter President of the club and
other 37 charter members most of them were Government and non-government
high officials took oath as the Rotarian of the newly formed Dhaka